Running shoes versus walking shoes


A running shoe is different than a walking shoe. The walking shoes should not be used for running as they are stiffer and also not that flexible. In the same way, running shoes are not suitable for walking people. In running shoes, you can find many different designs and it is always get updated according to the new technology and the material. Each running shoe will differ in price as each shoe has different features. The running shoes are designed based on the purpose of their use like motion control shoes. But the walking shoes are not that advanced in technology and are always behind the running shoes. These can be only used for short-distance walking with low speed.

Cushioning: In the case of cushioning the runners need more cushioning shoes than the walkers. Because the runner’s force is applied to the ground three times more than their body weight whereas the walker’s force is applied to the ground fifty percent less than the runner’s force. The runner would require more cushioning at the forefoot compare to the walkers. Usually, the walkers do not opt for the extra cushioning shoes as they will be heavyweight. With heavy-weight shoes, you will not be able to walk comfortably.

Heel height: The runner shoes have high heels as the runners need more support. When the runner runs when their foot touches the ground there is no rule that only one particular part will hit the ground first. Any part of the foot can hit the ground it depends on the individual. In the case of walkers, there is no need for a higher heel as there strike the ground with their heel.

Heel flair: The flared heel shoes are used by the runners who keep their forefoot on the ground first. Walker does not prefer this as they keep the heel first due to this the walker has the undercut heel instead of the flared heel.

Flexibility: The flexibility of the runner’s shoes differs from runner to runner. Some of them need flexibility at the forefoot par and some may need at midfoot. But one thing which is common for both walkers and the runner is if they need motion control shoes then they have to give up some level of flexibility in their shoe. The shoes which are used by the walkers should have flexibility at the forefoot part. If the shoe is not flexible then it is not suitable for both walkers and runners. The walkers should be very careful about this point as many shoes are said to be better for walking but do not have flexibility.


Hope this information helps you to understand the difference between both the runner and walker shoes. When you are going to buy your shoes make sure you select the one which is need for you.


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